Oh, and if you don't know who I am; I'm Stellan from Sweden
(That weird looking nerdy gay pinko commie manchild who is cuddly and nice).
If you've seen the Chris Gethard Show, you might have heard my voice. I sometimes call in.
Anyway, this blog; the one you're currently reading (How Stellan got his groove back) is the place where I will tell you guys how I am doing and what I'm up to in The Big Apple.
This is my first time visiting New York. It's pretty exciting. And I'm really scared. In a good way.
I will be posting photos and videos from my trip regularely (or as often as I have WiFi access and some time to kill), so stay tuned!
I will arrive in New York on June 13th and stay until the 30th.
Here's the fun part:
I will be living with a different person each day
(or rather they kan keep me as their Swedish pet for a day).
Because I'm on a tight budget, and meeting interesting new people is fun (and free ^_^).
You can check out the list of people I will be staying with here:
So check back in about a month.
Until then; Lose Well and keep it Calsteady ∆
/Stellan from Sweden