Doma is unconstitutional, Paula Deen is a racist, Zero Fucks Boyd wins the character contest, Snowden is gone, Hallie and Chris got engaged, midsummer eve is celebrated in Sweden and the Supreme Court guts the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This is what has happened since I came to America. I've been here for 2 whole weeks now. Well, not really. In about an hour, it'll be 2 weeks since I came through the clouds, listening to a combination of the soothing "sounds of the rainforest" on my iPod and the not-quite-as-soothing sounds of "guy throwing up in the seat behind mine".
I've seen so much. As you know. But also, I've met so many amazing people. As I told Emma on the subway home from the Chris Gethard Show afterparty yesterday (this morning);
words cannot describe my gratitude. But I am forever grateful. Thank you!
Speaking of the Chris Gethard Show; yesterday was a fun one. I got to meet Random Maxine (actually we met on the street a cpl of hours prior to the show; Emma was taking me to her improv show and we decided to stop by this place for some bubble tea (daaamn you Jamie Casbon!!!) and Maxine just popped up, like a happy bubble ^_^ she's awesome! I told her that I think of her as the lovechild of Yeardley Smith and Kristen Schaal... she seemed delighted) and I also got to meed Riley Soloner (Vacation Jason) which was fun. During the show, people called in and told us true or false facts about themselves, and we (I was, once again, on the panel) had to guess whether or not the fact was a lie. If we got it wrong, there was punishment involved, but luckily I got mine right, and passed the whifflebat beating on to Shannon ^_^ sorry! Check out the episode; it's a fun one.
After the show, Chris signed my copy of his book (A Bad Idea I'm About To Do) and Hallie signed my kazoo (but the text didn't stick... oh well). We hung out at this bar after the show, and got home to Emma's really late (like 4am). I should be really sleepy right now... probably am, but I just can't feel it.
I woke up like 9am. Strange. Oh well.
Today, I'm gonna have lunch with Keith H (bananaman) and then head on over to the Nintendoworld store to stand in line for the playable demo of Super Mario 3D World. Yay! :-) Hopefully I'll get some streetpass hits while there. Oh how I wish my Animal Crossing New Leaf cassette wasn't in Sweden right now... something to look forward to though.
I'm staying w. Clif H tonight, and then Heidi V tomorrow and the final night I'm staying with Mimi.
I'm going to TCGS at DCM on saturday, but that is it for me. I can't take any more amazing things now. My brain is going to explode ^_^ Also, I have, in fact, seen all the stuff I set out to see during my time in NYC/Brooklyn. ... I told you that already? Well fuck you then! ;-P
Ok, imma have another cup of Irish Breakfast Tea now. Maybe watch Conan.
Byyeee lovelies!!!