Good morning! It's 8:50am. I'm at Emma's in Brooklyn.
So yesterday was an awesome day. Not quite as insanely hot and humid as the day before. I got to hang out with 2 of Patrick's friends. We went out for food at Dos Toros (I had a simple salad). It was good :-)
I'm staying with Emma for 2 days. She is so cool, as is her roommate Anna. They're totally my type. As I first walked into their apartment and saw a Beetlejuice dvd and 3 WiiMotes laying on a table, I immediately felt right at home ^_^ they even have My Neighbor Totoro stationary (and, of course, the dvd). Yes. These are my kind of people, for sure!
They had 2 friends over last night. We had such a good time, I feel. I hope the feeling is mutual. We took a stroll down memory lane, talking about the cartoons we watched growing up (and international translations). I made them laugh by singing along to the swedish version of the Chip & Dale - Rescue Rangers themesong. Chip and Dale are called Piff and Puff in Sweden. True story. All the really old Disney characters have different names in Sweden. And they're all really dumb. Except for Dumbo. He's just Dumbo. We used to call Batman "the Leather Patch" (Läderlappen), and we just add "springtime for" to a word when naming Mel Brooks movies (Spaceballs is "springtime for space", Blazing Saddles is "springtime for the sheriff"... weird huh?).
Today is wednesday. It's once again time to take a ride with the weirdest guy I know. Yup. It's wednesday night, and out I didn't go (sing along). Before the Chris Gethard Show, we're going to a nearby park, and then I will see a show prior to TCGS. Emma was kind enough to get me in for free :-)
I'm loving this last week. It's definately MUCH more mellow than last week. I've done everything I set out to do (as of yesterday, when I got photographed outside of Tom's restaurant). So now, it's time to just hang out and chill with all these cool weirdos.
So yeah. How are you guys?